Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Blak' puddin' (A black sausage that is made with pig's blood and meat...)
Cheese-n-egg (Grated cheese with an egg on top, and a few drops of milk - on a metal plate - that is grilled until the cheese has melted and slightly browned)
Pop (A carbonated/fizzy drink)
Tripe (The stomach lining of a cow, which was a favoured dish in Yorkshire, because of its cheapness)
Yok-sha ot' pot (Yorkshire Hotpot: Lamb, carrots, onions & potatoes)
Yok-sha puddin' (Yorkshire Pudding; batter-based that has nothing to do with sweet puddings)

The Famous Barnsley Chop(A cut from the Best End of a Lamb Saddle,slowly roasted over a period of three hours,weighing approximately one kilo in uncookedweight)

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